Spring semester

INFO B581 – Health Information Standards and Terminology

This course gives an overview of the established standards for healthcare data interchange and the rapidly evolving field of biomedical informatics. The course will expose the principles and methodologies underlying most standards and also introduce the student to practical issues of reading and understanding specifications, implementing, and translating between standards. This course was redesigned by Dr. Purkayastha with hands-on work by students on REST, FHIR, and CDA XSLT., and re-updated in Spring 2024.

EXTENDED DESCRIPTION Health information is captured as data of various formats and types. If health data is to improve patient care, or if research data from different sources need to be brought together, health information standards are needed. Health information standards exist for data types and structures for messages, databases, and documents, as well as for the nomenclature of the myriad conceptual entities that are relevant for the biomedical domain (terminologies).

INFO B582 – Health Information Exchange

This course offers an in-depth review of health information exchange (HIE), the electronic exchange of administrative and clinical information between disparate healthcare organizations. Students will examine the strategic, organizational, legal, technical, and socio-political aspects of HIE initiatives in the United States and abroad. Students will further review the evidence on the impact of HIE services on health care quality, safety, efficiency, and cost.  

INFO B513 – The Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Electronic Health Record Systems

COURSE DESCRIPTION Students learn how to design, implement, and evaluate electronic health record (EHR) system and how to use technology to support their data acquisition, storage, reuse, interoperability, exchange, and analysis. They also evaluate their legal, ethical, and regulatory implications and learn how to build teams to manage their implementation in healthcare organizations.

EXTENDED COURSE DESCRIPTION In this practical course, students analyze the design of existing EHR systems through the example of an open-source platform, OpenMRS. They implement this platform according to international conceptual and markup standards, such as the Health Level 7 Reference Information Model (HL7 RIM) and the Continuity of Care Document (CCD). Students evaluate gaps in the system by comparing it with other Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE) systems and create designs for modules. Students evaluate the legal, ethical, and regulatory implications of current EHR systems. This course is designed by Dr. Purkayastha, with unique and in-depth EHR implementation training. Students use popular EHRs to design workflows for different use-cases.