Snigdha Kodela


Snigdha Kodela completed a Bachelor of Pharmacy from Osmania University and is completed her MS in Health Informatics at IUPUI in Dec 2021. Previously, she worked as a Scientific Sales Executive with Sanofi India Ltd for four years. Her research interests include health data analysis and management. She was a Teaching Assistant for 3 semesters for the I501 – Introduction to Informatics, the course that teaches Python and statistical analysis to clinical students. She worked on the DHIS2 Woundcare Analytics project as part of an internship for the Indiana Center for Regenerative Medicine and Engineering from Jan 2021 to Dec 2021. Snigdha also contributed to data science research on various healthcare topics, including a conference paper published on the analysis of racial disparities in opioid use in the MIMIC-IV dataset.