Deepishka Pemmasani


Deepishka is a graduate student at IUPUI, currently pursuing master’s degree in Health Informatics. She completed Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) in 2019 from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, India. During my undergraduate studies, I was involved in research on drug-related problems, clinical Pharmacist interventions, and adverse reactions to Highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART) therapy in a tertiary care hospital in India.

Before enrolling for my master’s degree at IUPUI, I worked as a Pharmacovigilance Operations Specialist at IQVIA RDS (India) Private Limited for four years. In this role, I was involved in processing Individual case safety reports (ICSR) received from spontaneous reporting, solicited clinical studies, and reporting them to regulatory authorities.

At the Purkayastha lab, Deepishka has worked on the data analysis of exercise recommender system, working in collaboration with a faculty from the IU School of Health and Human Sciences. She is also working in collaboration with a faculty at MIT, on analyzing the impact of datathons through data collected on participants and their publications before and after attending a datathon.

Her research interests include the implementation of Electronic Medical Records, Health Information Exchange, data analytics, and machine learning.