Anushri Singh Rajapuri has a bachelor’s degree in Dentistry and is in her final semester for a Master’s degree in Health informatics. She worked as a clinical application specialist for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-funded mHBB (mobile Helping Babies Breathe) project. In partnership with IU School of Medicine and the University of Oxford in designing and developing a mobile clinical decision support tool Essential Care for Every Baby (ECEB) to help reduce the infant mortality rate by ensuring the first 24-hour care of babies after birth. She’s traveled with the team to different maternity hospitals in Kenya (SA) to perform evaluations studies of the developed application. She went on to participate and present the team’s work at the AMIA Conference in Washington DC on November 19, 2019, garnered the teams first place in the AMIA Design Challenge. For her academic achievements, campus and community services she has been recognized for the prestigious award as an IUPUI Elite 50. The Elite 50 represents the best of the best among IUPUI’s graduate and professional students and captures everything that makes IUPUI exceptional.
Linked in: http://www.linkedin.com/in/rajapurianushri