A.K. Bhavani Singh

Agnikula Kshatriya Bhavani Singh (also, A.K. Bhavani Singh) is a pharmacy undergraduate from India and is currently pursuing a Masters in Health Informatics at IUPUI. His areas of Interest include healthcare data analysis, data visualization, and machine learning. He has previously worked on projects involving data analysis and machine learning to evaluate the influence of various factors on severity of prostate cancer.

He is currently working as a data analyst on the Mobile Helping Babies Survive project in the Purkayastha Lab for Health Innovation. He is working as a DHIS2 expert on the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded, eHBB (electronic Helping Babies Breathe) project, with the Principal Investigator, Dr. Rachel Umoren from University of Washington, and co-PI, Dr. Sherri Bucher at Indiana University School of Medicine and researchers at University of Oxford.

Download A.K. Bhavani Singh’s Resume.